(707) 978-4986

Santa Rosa, CA


Is the founder and owner of Software Tailoring. Trained as an Electrical Engineer, she has over 40 years of industrial experience in microwave circuit design. She was recruited to Santa Rosa originally to work for Hewlett Packard, and subsequently formed her own consulting practice, Clear Stream Technologies (CST). Founded in 2003, it has thrived by building custom test systems for startup companies.
The daughter of a Home Economics teacher, she has been an avid seamstress all her life. After taking her first Flat Pattern Design class in the late 80’s she realized that the same techniques she was using for circuit design were applicable to flat pattern design and immediately acquired an early version of CAD software. She now has over 30 years’ experience in digital pattern making using AutoCad to create clothes for friends and family, and is excited to bring the unique blend of engineering and tailoring to everyone.

What Our Clients Say

SRJC Costume
SRJC Costume
Software Tailoring helped make my costume designs for The Sound of Music, a huge success! The scanning process was professional. Our actors were treated like royalty! The patterning service was fast and impeccably accurate. The full set of measurements and custom patterns, provided, cut our work time in half by virtually eliminating the fitting process of bespoke couture!
Shannon Marshall
Shannon Marshall
A big 'Thank You' to Software Tailoring and the very talented Giovonnae Anderson for your services and excellent work! I am a professional seamstress and I have found Software Tailoring to be an invaluable asset to my business and my clients. The body scans, flat patterns, and digital tailoring are precision tools in my tool box. Highly recommend!
Olivia Fierro
Olivia Fierro
I came to Software Tailoring to learn about the benefits of digital patternmaking and digital avatars. The owner, Vonnie, was extremely knowledgeable about the technology and provided clear examples to explain its advantages. She offered many enticing services, including custom sloper creation and digital avatar rigging. As I was interested in digital patternmaking to aid my personal pattern development, I decided to have a personal body scan to create a custom digital avatar. Vonnie was able to rig this avatar for use in CLO, or any other 3D Software, and it imported without a glitch! I am very pleased with the result and would recommend her services to others!
Alice Estill Miller
For an experienced tailor like me, nothing could be better than my personal master pattern set from Software Tailoring (ST) for making my own garments. Vonnie converted my 3-D body scan into a unique fit model just for me. Her precise patterns give me the tools of correct fit right at my fingertips! I use my ST patterns to modify commercial patterns, to create designs and skip struggling with muslins. I even made a dress form with detachable arms from the princess, torso and sleeve sets to guide my alterations. Thanks to Vonnie's amazing insights and innovations, my wardrobe really fits me.

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