(707) 978-4986

Santa Rosa, CA

If You Have A Custom Project Or Need, We can help! We offer custom measurement and other digital pattern services.

Software Tailoring specializes in measurement accuracy. We can program our scanner to take the measurements that you might need or want for any garment that you might construct. We also offer other digital pattern services such as pattern scanning and plotting

Custom Measurements

Have a unique set of measurements that you need for a class or a digital pattern service? We can generate them for you in the order and format that you need! Below are some examples of pattern measurement sets that we have in our library:


My Fit Tee Shirt

Suzy Furrer's

Bodice Sloper Craftsy Class

We have other measurement sets in our library, including some for theater companies. Contact us for an up to date list. If we don’t have the measurements that you need. We can generate them usually within a weeks time. There will be an additional charge for measurements outside of our library. Contact us for details.

Cost for measurements in library with scan is $200.00
Cost for measurements in library without scan is $80.00

Call us at 707-978-4986 for an estimate for the cost of measurements that is not in library.

Digital Services

Have a commercial or hand drawn pattern that you would like to have in a digital format? We can convert paper patterns to .jpg or .pdf formats. We can also plot tiled .pdf patterns in one piece saving you time. Contact us for an estimate.

How Can We Help You?

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